Covid-19 and the New Normal

Greeting, dear readers!

We all have heard this ๐Ÿ‘‡ famous saying by the author J K Rowling in her Harry Potter series, haven't we?

“Sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.”

 And, covid-19 was indeed unexpected!

Covid- 19 – this pandemic, as we are all aware has created havoc in our lives. Right from 2019, since its advent, we have been seeing deaths, despair, and cries of orphaned children. The frontline workers have devoted their heart and soul for us. Yet, the virus still persists... The major change that it brought with it was in the year 2020. This I’d like to describe poetically.

19 and 20 are numbers they say 

With a difference of one

19 and 20 were years I say

With a difference of tonne

I had captured these days

Thinking they would be gone

Wish I had known

Their stay was so long

And, yes, this is 2022 that we are living in! But that unseen fear still haunts us. Who had imagined that classes could be held like this on such a large scale? Who had imagined that proximity will become our biggest fear? Who had imagined that leaving aside all clothings and footwears, even masks could bring with them a new fashion? Who had imagined that I will be writing on this topic out of all others?

But, this is it. This is the reality, the new normal, and we all need to confront it.

Towards the end, I would just like to say…

I had heard them say

Everything will be normal

Little did I know

This might be the new "normal"!

 ~ Akshara Gupta


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