What if...Time Travel was really possible?!


Time – when we think of it, what exactly comes to our mind is… our present, future or past maybe. What if we could switch between these time periods just like we switch our chrome tabs?! Yes! You got me right. What I am talking about is nothing but Time Travel! What if time travel was really possible?

 Well, this brings us to one of the most interesting topics ever – the existence of a time machine! You know what, if we really get our hands on it, the meteorological dept. might be told to be off! Why? Because time travelling means no more being oblivious to the future! Not only this, our ability to revisit the past could also imply revocation of the 1947 partition!  Isn’t it just awesome?

Wait, wait! Time travelling means travelling faster than light, right? What if we are burnt alive even before reaching our destination, just like a shooting star? I just hope shooting stars aren’t burnt up time travellers!

 Jokes apart, there could be chances that we may keep travelling in time until we meet our own primitive selves! And… on the return journey, disclosing Hitler’s plans of holocaust to the world won’t be a bad idea. After all, this could reduce one whole chapter in our history book! However, this possibility too can’t be neglected that the future homo sapiens  may come any time and capture all our resources.

Umm… let’s be optimistic about time travel. What do you think of hearing Krishna Himself speaking Gita? Or what about warning Sita prior of Ravana’s plans of abducting Her? If not this, then what about bringing Chanakya back in time, ahead I mean, to handle our national economy? Just imagine! And most importantly, we would have known the advent of this lethal corona virus, and would have stayed armed with the life-saving vaccine! 

If only this endless plethora of fantasies could become a reality! If only time travel were real! Oh, how I wish it were! And, I’m sure you too wish the same, don't you?!πŸ˜‰

~ Akshara Gupta


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